Why has my Audi A6 depreciated so much?

Why has my Audi A6 depreciated so much?

Why has my Audi A6 depreciated so much? I bought it in March 2015 as a 142 ex demo for €41,500. It has 89,000 km on the clock and is very good condition yet I can only get €20k trade in. That’s over 50% depreciation in 3 yrs. I expected some depreciation but not that much particularly on a premium brand. Is that fall normal? Is it because of the glut of diesels on the second hand market. Are diesels depreciating faster than their petrol counterparts? Thanks

Our answer:

Hi Peter,

The diesel versus petrol (or hybrid) depreciation does depend, to an extent, on where you are in the country. There’s definitely been a sharper fall in both diesel demand and diesel value in the major cities and towns than down the country. That said, between 50-60 per cent total depreciation in three years is not unusual for any brand, in fact it’s pretty much what you have to expect. Second hand values have also taken a bit of a hit thanks to the glut of imports from the UK, and that will be affecting the A6 particularly because it’s one of the top-ten most imported vehicles, I’m afraid. 

Shane O'Donoghue

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