Want to trade in my Ypsilon for a Merc...

Want to trade in my Ypsilon for a Merc...

Chrysler Ypsilon 1.2 . petrol . Manual . 5 gears . 4 door H/b. 1. 2 12 WD XXX reg. 5 seater. Never in Crash .NCT Feb 2018. Tax E200.00 . Great medium car but too cramped for me . ( 6 Ft tall ). 25000 mls on clock . I want to get a 2008/9 Merc but may have to add a little to this .

Our answer:

Hi Kevin,

I think the best price you might get for your Ypsilon is around €6,000, and that will be assuming you can find a buyer for it — they were never a very popular car, hence why Chrysler has ceased selling cars in Europe altogether. As for affording a 2008/9 Mercedes, it depends on which model you fancy, but if it helps, a 2008 A-Class should be just within that budget, or maybe around €1,000 more.

Shane O'Donoghue

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