My Galaxy gearbox is gone again!

My Galaxy gearbox is gone again!

I bought 2012 galaxy in 2015 the automatic gearbox went after 70k miles, i got it replaced with a gearbox fron ford, the gearbox went again at 94k . Again i replaced it from fird, the automatic transmission has gone again at 121 k! FORD are refusing to offer some form of redress. I think they could at least pay to fix the issue. It is iut of warranty. What should i do

Our answer:

Hi Denis,

That is infuriating, of course, but the fact it is out of warranty makes things difficult for you. If the Ford dealer is unwilling to help, you may have to seek legal advice from an expert in consumer law, though you need to weigh up how worth it that route is to take, on a car that is getting close to 10 years old. 

Shane O'Donoghue

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