Can I trade in my Irish car in Spain?

Can I trade in my Irish car in Spain?

I have moved to Spain. Have my 2015 Mazda 6, RHD, I want to trade for a LHD car. Can this be done without a lot of hassle? My car is in good shape. Just past inspection.

Our answer:

Hi Carol,

We're not experts on the Spanish system, but it's very likely to be similar to the Irish one in that you'll have to re-register the car in Spain yourself before you can think about selling it on. Even if you do that, I suspect you'll struggle to sell or trade in a right-hand-drive car there as demand would be very low for such a thing. You may be as well off to bring the car back to Ireland and sell it for cash, and then buy a car in Spain.

Shane O'Donoghue

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