VRT on a 1997 Boxster?

VRT on a 1997 Boxster?

cost vrt on 1997 porsche boxser au 2,489 cc

Our answer:

Hi Frank,

To estimate the VRT we need to know two things: the CO2 emissions to give us the VRT band, and the Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) - i.e. the price Revenue believes the car to be worth on the Irish market. It's safe to assume that the Boxster will be in the top VRT band, which means VRT at 41 per cent, as the CO2 emissions will be higher than 191g/km.

The OMSP is much trickier to estimate as that age of Boxster is quite rare in Ireland so Revenue won't have a lot of data on it. If it's €10,000 then the VRT will be €4,100, but if it's €20,000 then the VRT doubles obviously, so you'll need to make a call on that yourself. You can appeal the value Revenue quotes, but only after you pay the VRT.

Shane O'Donoghue

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